

If CUDA OOM happens to you, in addition to reducing the size of your images, the following suggestions might be helpful:


Stable Diffusion

  • Using Croper & Resize (opens in a new tab)
  • Add --sd-disable-nsfw and --sd-cpu-textencoder to the command line
  • Add --cpu-offload(save more GPU memory but much slower) to the command line
    • fp16: 512x512 image needs 2GB GPU memory
    • no_half: 512x512 image needs 3GB GPU memory
  • Install xformers (opens in a new tab) and add --sd-enable-xformers to the command line

Paint By Example

  • Using Croper & Resize (opens in a new tab)
  • Add --cpu-offload(save more GPU memory but much slower) to the command line
    • fp16: 512x512 image needs 2.6GB GPU memory
    • no_half: 512x512 image needs 4.5GB GPU memory